Monday 13 December 2010

WEEK 12 – w/c 06/12/10

This is the first draft trailer that me and my partners have submitted for the UK version of the teaser trailer.

As this is just the draft version it was missing quite a lot of vital parts that make a teaser trailer. however by showing it to our colleagues we were able to receive some feedback. These are the main things that were addressed after we told our colleagues not to hold back on their creative criticism:
  • That there was no title graphics.
  • There no release date.
  • That there was only 1/2 a minutes worth of footage.
  • Some of the acting did not look real enough.
However we did receive some good comments as well:
  • A lot of people especially liked the last close up shot of a black man's eyes in the dark, but with some ambient light that made him look sinister.
  • They liked the cuts to different shots for the same scene e.g. the gang members running from the car park.
  • The varied use of interior and exterior locations for shots.
  • The different angles in which these shots were taken.

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