Monday 13 December 2010

WEEK 8 – w/c 08/11/10

I have been applying the angles and shots from some of the scenes of films from similar genres to my product as i go along in a veriety of ways, an example of this is hown below:

This is the trailer for the 2011 film called Attack the Block, this film is similar to what my one is based around seeing as it is also British and being set in South London, centres around the hood aspect however unlike my trailer which is a slasher/horror, this film is more sci-fi. From this trailer i caught an idea from the shot where the protagonist swereves his head when he hears the door being slammed by aliens and combined it with an idea from the trailer below.

This is the trailer for Eden Lake a 2008 British thriller Film which connects more to my product in terms of genre and storyline however not so much in terms of scenery. The idea that i took from this trailer was also related to the banging on the door closing towards the end.

The first shot has already been edited, it was recorded with my cousin's Canon 7D Camera inside of his house in Woodpecker Estate, New Cross, South East London. I went through the trouble of borrowing a painted BB Gun from one of my friends to use as a prop, i tried to use the contents of a teabag as fake cannabis but it did not work out properly and ended up falling out onto the floor, and i got his help to give the shot a sort of really light sepia tone using his Mac to make it seem more dank and gritty. The scene is supposed to show the suspected protagonist waiting for the killer to come for him.
This is the continuation of the previous shot that has not been edited yet and was shot in my house using my Samsung PL100 12.2 Megapixel camera. This shot will be cut down and have sound effects added to it to make it seem as if the suspected protagonist is alerted by someone banging the door.
This is one of the shots that i will edit and use in the final product to make up a scenario similar to the ones shown in the trailers at the top.

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